SESTEK vs Calabrio

We can identify customer sentiment in real time without any user involvement; we perform fully automated evaluations and generate comprehensive results within seconds.

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SESTEK vs Calabrio

Speech Analytics Product Comparison

FEATURES Sestek Logo Sestek vs Competitor Logo
Real-Time Guidance
Customized Dashboards
Non-First Call Resolution Identification
Sentiment Analytics
Trend Analysis
Agent Evaluation
100% Automated Quality Management *
AI Topic Creation
Automatic Evaluation
Self-Practice Module

* Calabrio’s Quality Management feature operates solely on a manual basis.

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Our Strengths Against Calabrio

AI Emotion Detection

Knovvu AI detects customer sentiment in real time without the need for any query entry.


Indexing Efficiency

Thanks to the Knovvu Indexing feature, tasks such as category runs, automatic evaluations and export of category results are quickly completed in less than a minute.


In-house Developed Speech Recognition

Proud of our market-leading Speech Recognition Accuracy Rate of 97%.



We present more flexibility for our customers when compared to other vendors.



“Customer calls hold important insights. Creating the right action plan through them, requires objective analysis. Speech Analytics technology allows us to pinpoint areas that need improvement. And this has a direct influence on customer experience.”


Knovvu Analytics

Knovvu Analytics collects 100% of customer interaction data at customer service channels and converts it into analyzable information for decision-makers. The solution provides critical and actionable insights to understand customers better and improve their experiences. With advanced quality management tools, Knovvu Analytics helps supervisors objectively score and improve agent performance with tangible feedback.

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    Understand Triggers Behind Customer Behaviors
  • Knovvu Analytics Case Study
    Concentrix Increased Call Quality with Speech Analytics


Improve Your Conversational Customer Journey

Let’s go into detail on how Knovvu’s conversational solutions can improve your agent and customer experience

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